
?Bruxelles??: Prevention measures at Catania Airport

1 Aprile 2016

SAC informs all that the Public Security Authorities have decided this morning during a security meeting, to revoke the increase of security measures decided last 23rd of March.

INFO: Departures / Arrivals

Access to Terminal Building
Everyone is allowed free access to the terminal building

Departure Ramp
The Access to the departure ramp continues not to be allowed to private vehicles to accompany passengers.

The entrance will be allowed only to vehicles with reduce mobility passengers, to taxies, to buses and to rented cars with driver.
Private shuttles
All private shuttles from parking areas, hotels or tour operators may load or unload their passengers in the dedicated parking areas near the SAC Maintenance zone.
30 minute free parking
In order to meet the necessities of the users, SAC has extended the free parking up to 30 minute in all of its parking areas within the airport limits (P1, P2,  P4)

It is recommended to passengers departing from Catania to be in the airport at least 2 hours before the departure time of their flight.