Passenger Guide

Customer service

SAC Customer Service provides information, explanation, and direction on current legislation. It ensures each and every customer is treated in line with the principles set forth by the “Passenger Charter of Rights”. By sending us your suggestions, complaints, recommendations, or appreciative comments, you will be helping us to implement our policy of improvement of the quality of the services offered.

Our Complaints Department guarantees that confirmation to any notification or complaint is given within 30 days from the date of such claim, that noncompliance is verified, and that appropriate corrective action is taken where necessary.

You will need to specify your full name and contact information, in order to allow us to contact you for due clarification and/or feedback.

To enable you to communicate with us directly and as quickly as possible, use one of the following:


Operator: Tel. +39 095 7239111 (please follow the voice guidance) Fax: +39 095 7239816

Email address: [email protected] for information on any questions (transportation, logistics, airport services, flight operations, etc.)

Web site:

Postal address: SAC S.P.A. Customer Service, Aeroporto Catania Fontanarossa, 95121 CATANIA

As part of the activities carried out by Quality Service, by institutional mandate, the Charter of Services establishes the Manager’s commitment to maintain, guarantee and improve the services offered to its customers on a daily basis, in compliance with its management system and in accordance with the general reference scheme provided for by the Charter of Services of the Transport sector, the indications provided in the ENAC Circulars GEN 06/2014, by GEN-02A/2014, as well as by the standards UNI EN ISO 9001:2015, UNI EN ISO 14001:2015, UNI EN ISO 45001:2018, UNI EN ISO 50001:2011, and UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 27001 in the sector IAF 31, 35..

The Charter of Services is an information document that each Management Company provides to customers, in which are specified the quality goals that the Operator undertakes to respect in its airport and any margins for improvement that can be reached in the following year are specified, aiming to optimize and maintain high levels of airport quality and efficiency.
